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Help! My Husband is Always on His Phone and Ignores Me: How to Get Him to Unplug


By Jeremy Barnett | Jul 25, 2024 04:50 pm

It seems like many couples these days struggle with one partner always being glued to their phone. As one frustrated wife put it, My husband is always on his phone and ignores me. This common issue can leave spouses feeling lonely, unimportant, and disconnected in their marriage.

But why do partners get so absorbed in their devices? How can couples get back to connecting with each other instead of just checking social media? This article will explore the reasons behind phone obsession and offer communication tips to get your spouse to unplug.

husband always on phone

My Husband Is Always On His Phone And Ignores Me. Why?

There are several possible reasons why your husband is always absorbed in his phone instead of engaging with you.

1 He's Addicted to Social Media or Games

The constant notifications and instant gratification of social media and games can be highly addictive. The dopamine hits make it hard to put the phone down.

2 He's Avoiding Talking About Something

Your husband may be using his phone to avoid an uncomfortable conversation or issue in your marriage that he doesn't want to address.

3 He's Unhappy or Stressed

Excessive phone use can be an unhealthy coping mechanism for depression, stress, or other struggles. The distraction makes him feel better in the moment.

4 He Feels Your Marriage Is Boring

Sadly, he may have lost interest in your relationship. His phone offers an escape and entertainment that he doesn't find with you.

5 You're Addicted to Your Phone Too

Set a good example by limiting your own phone use. He may have picked up this habit from you constantly being on your device. Maybe he found that you are texting another man.

husband on phone

What To Do If My Husband Is Always On His Phone?

If your husband is always on phone instead of engaging with you, here are 10 tips that may help:

1. Have an Open Conversation

Sit down together in a calm time and kindly share your feelings about how his constant phone use makes you feel uncared for and disconnected. Tell him you miss his full attention and ask if the two of you can set aside specific phone-free times, like during meals out or dates, to give each other complete focus without distractions from devices. Setting some phone-free blocks of time can help you reconnect.

2. Identify Root Causes

Try to understand what may be driving his excessive phone fixation, as that can allow you to better address the root causes. Is he feeling stressed or depressed and using his phone to cope? Is he avoiding talking with you about issues in your marriage or life? Once you know what's underneath his behavior, you can work on those problems together.

3. Set No Phone Hours

Agree together on certain blocks of time where you'll both turn off your phones completely to be fully present, such as during family dinners, date nights, or other quality time. Having some sacred no-phone hours shows you value real interaction.

4. Plan Engaging Activities

Fill your schedule with more activities you can enjoy together without phones, like exercising together, planning trips or getaways, taking a recreational class together, playing board games, cooking meals together, or cuddling up to a movie. Staying busy together can help.

5. Delete Unneeded Apps

Help him delete any apps he doesn't really use or need that may be distracting time sinks. Also suggest disabling unnecessary notifications during time together that may pull his attention away from you. Fewer apps means less temptation.

couple looking phone

6. Improve Your Connection

Make an effort to be upbeat and engaging yourself so he's recaptured by you instead of his phone. Plan romantic date nights out. Flirt, joke around, and focus on having fun together. Work on reconnecting.

7. Address Underlying Issues

If his excessive phone use stems from deeper problems in your marriage or life, seek counseling together to try resolving the real issues fueling this fixation. A therapist can help uncover and heal the root causes.

8. Lead by Example

Be mindful of your own phone use and try limiting it, so he sees you modeling healthy habits. Don't be hypocritical about his phone use while you're constantly on yours. Set a good example.

9. Use Phone Limiting Apps

Suggest apps like Freedom or Flipd that can block certain distracting sites or lock his phone for set periods to discourage constant checking. The right apps can assist.

10. Let Natural Consequences Unfold

If he keeps neglecting you and your relationship for his phone, eventually he'll likely have to face the natural relational consequences of growing apart. You can't force him to change, but staying disengaged will impact your bond.

How Can I Monitor My Husband's Phone Without Him Knowing?

If you suspect your husband is hiding something and want to monitor his phone discreetly, a powerful yet easy-to-use solution is MoniMaster Pro. MoniMaster Pro is a leading phone monitoring app that empowers you to secretly view your husband's texts, calls, location, apps, and more without him ever finding out.

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MoniMaster Pro offers complete Android, iPhone, and iCloud monitoring capabilities with over 40 features to access your husband's phone activities. The app is 100% hidden and undetectable once installed on his device.

Here are some of the main features MoniMaster Pro provides for secretly monitoring your husband's phone:

Read Text Messages: Stealthily view all SMS texts sent and received on his phone to see who he's communicating with.

Track Location in Real-Time: Monitor his location at all times to see where he's going. Receive alerts when he enters or leaves certain areas.

View Call History: Check all incoming and outgoing calls as well as their duration to know who he's talking to and for how long.

Access Photos & Videos: Discreetly view any photos and videos saved on his phone. Never miss incriminating media.


Monitor Social Media: Check his activity on apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Tinder, and more. Nothing is hidden.

Record Surroundings: Use the phone's mic to listen in on conversations happening around his device.

Screen Recording: Record his screen in real-time, including all taps and gestures.

Spy in Secret: 100% undetectable monitoring without him ever knowing.

Installing MoniMaster Pro takes just minutes and does not require rooting or jailbreaking his phone. Once set up, you can monitor your husband's device remotely using the online dashboard.

With MoniMaster Pro, you'll have the answers about your husband's activities that you deserve.

monimaster android demo

FAQs about Husband Always On Phone

1 What does it mean when someone is always on their phone?

Someone constantly on their phone may be avoiding real-life connections and conversations. They can seem distracted, disengaged, and more interested in their device than people around them.

2 What is the walkaway wife syndrome?

Walkaway wife syndrome is when a woman leaves a marriage without warning because of prolonged unhappiness. Years of dissatisfaction cause her to emotionally withdraw before abruptly exiting.

3 What is the #1 cause of divorce?

Lack of commitment is the number one cause cited for divorce. When couples no longer work together, communicate, or reconcile differences, relationships fall apart. Money issues, infidelity, and substance abuse also commonly lead to divorce.


My husband is always on his phone can leave spouses feeling neglected and alone. While technology addiction is rampant today, there are constructive ways to address this issue and improve your connection. With open communication, engaging activities done together, and tools like MoniMaster Pro to discreetly monitor your husband's phone, you can get to the bottom of his behavior and rekindle his interest in you.

Don't lose hope - solutions exist to pull him away from his device and back into your relationship.

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